Prof. Dr. Thomas Wick - Publikationen

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Khimin, D, Roth, J & Wick, T 2022, Space-time fluid-structure interaction: formulation and dG(0) time discretization. in 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022) . 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2022, Oslo, Norwegen, 5 Juni 2022.
Khimin, D, Steinbach, MC & Wick, T 2022, 'Space-time formulation, discretization, and computational performance studies for phase-field fracture optimal control problems', Journal of computational physics, Jg. 470, 111554.,
Mohammadi, V, Dehghan, M, Khodadadian, A, Noii, N & Wick, T 2022, 'An asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation of a prostate tumor growth model via the generalized moving least squares approximation combined with semi-implicit time integration', Applied mathematical modelling, Jg. 104, S. 826-849.
Noii, N, Khodadadian, A & Wick, T 2022, 'BAYESIAN INVERSION USING GLOBAL-LOCAL FORWARD MODELS APPLIED TO FRACTURE PROPAGATION IN POROUS MEDIA', International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Jg. 20, Nr. 3, S. 57-79.
Noii, N, Khodadadian, A, Ulloa, J, Aldakheel, F, Wick, T, François, S & Wriggers, P 2022, 'Bayesian Inversion with Open-Source Codes for Various One-Dimensional Model Problems in Computational Mechanics', Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Jg. 29, Nr. 6, S. 4285-4318.
Roth, J, Schröder, M & Wick, T 2022, 'Neural network guided adjoint computations in dual weighted residual error estimation', SN Applied Sciences, Jg. 4, Nr. 2, 62.
Thiele, JP & Wick, T 2022, Space-Time Error Control Using a Partition-of-Unity Dual-Weighted Residual Method Applied to Low Mach Number Combustion. in JM Melenk, J Schöberl, I Perugia & C Schwab (Hrsg.), Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2020+1: Selected Papers from the ICOSAHOM Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 12-16, 2021. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Bd. 137, Springer, Cham, S. 509-520.
van Duijn, CJ, Mikelić, A & Wick, T 2022, 'Mandel's problem as a benchmark for two-dimensional nonlinear poroelasticity', Applicable analysis, Jg. 101, Nr. 12, S. 4267-4293 .
Abbaszadeh, M, Dehghan, M, Khodadadian, A, Noii, N, Heitzinger, C & Wick, T 2021, 'A reduced-order variational multiscale interpolating element free Galerkin technique based on proper orthogonal decomposition for solving Navier–Stokes equations coupled with a heat transfer equation: Nonstationary incompressible Boussinesq equations', Journal of computational physics, Jg. 426, 109875.
Aldakheel, F, Noii, N, Wick, T & Wriggers, P 2021, 'A global–local approach for hydraulic phase-field fracture in poroelastic media', Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Jg. 91, S. 99-121.