Personal Dictionary of the IfAM

Here you may find the contact details of all employees of our institute: Enter the name or choose the role. You will receive a list of the professorship e.g. by selecting the role of "professor".

Institute of Applied Mathematics


Caroline Helene Renate Bollmann

Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wick
 Thomas Wick  Thomas Wick © Fotografin: Sonja Smalian/PhoenixD

Deputy Management

Prof. Dr. Sven Beuchler
 Sven Beuchler  Sven Beuchler © Photographer: Christian Wyrwa
Prof. Dr. Marc Steinbach


Prof. Dr. Sven Beuchler
 Sven Beuchler  Sven Beuchler © Photographer: Christian Wyrwa
Prof. Dr. Joachim Escher
Prof. Dr. Johannes Lankeit
Prof. Dr. Marc Steinbach
Prof. Dr. Christoph Walker
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wick
 Thomas Wick  Thomas Wick © Fotografin: Sonja Smalian/PhoenixD

Research Staff

Dr. Frank Samir Attia
M. Sc. Ramakrishnan Chandran
Dr. Chiara Marie Hergl
M. Sc. Sebastian Kinnewig
M. Sc. Leon Maximilian Kolditz
 Florian Leydecker  Florian Leydecker © photographer: Chrystian Wyrwa
Dr. Lina Sophie Schmitz
M.Sc. Anne-Kathrin Wenske
M. Sc. Antonia Ziehm

Visiting Researchers

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. Günter Mühlbach
Klausjürgen Schnoege
Prof. Dr. Ernst Peter Stephan

Administrative/Technical Staff

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bohlmann
Are you looking for people who do not work at our institute but at the university?