Books (published)
- Mathematische Grundlagen der Finiten Element--Methoden. Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik 23, Lang--Verlag, Frankfurt/M (1982), 207 pp. (with W.L. Wendland)
- FEM and BEM--Introduction, Universität Hannover (in German) (1991) 219 pp. (with N. Herrmann)
- Mathematik und Umwelt (ecological mathematics (in German)), Theodor Oppermann Verlag, Hannover (1994) (with N. Herrmann, J. Siefer, R. Wagner)
- Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for Scientific-Technological Problems, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 57, Springer (2011) (with P. Wriggers)
- Advanced Boundary Element Methods - Treatment of Boundary Value, Transmission and Contact Problems
(with J. Gwinner) Springer Series of Computational Mathematics Vol 52, 2018 - Schwarz Methods and Multilevel Preconditioners for Boundary Element Methods (with T. Tran), Springer 2021, 589 pages
Published articels in refereed journals
- L.Banz, E.P.Stephan, hp-FEM for the α-Mosolov problem:
a priori and a posteriori error estmates, Numerische Mathematik 156 (2024) 1679-1718
- Faustmann, Markus; Stephan, Ernst P.; Wörgötter, David,
Two-level error estimation for the integral fractional Laplacian
Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 23 (2023), no. 3, 603–621
- Aimi, Alessandra; Di Credico, Giulia; Gimperlein, Heiko; Stephan, Ernst P.
Higher-order time domain boundary elements for elastodynamics: graded meshes and hp versions
Numer. Math. 154 (2023), no. 1–2, 35–101.
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Stephan, Ernst P.
Coupling of finite and boundary elements for singularly nonlinear transmission and contact problems
Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 23 (2023), no. 2, 389–404.
- Banz, Lothar; Hernández, Orlando; Stephan, Ernst P.
A priori and a posteriori error estimates for hp-FEM for a Bingham type variational inequality of the second kind
Comput. Math. Appl. 126 (2022), 14–30.
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Özdemir, Ceyhun; Stephan, Ernst P.
Error estimates for FE-BE coupling of scattering of waves in the time domain
Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 22 (2022), no.4, 839–859.
- H. Gimperlein, M. Maischak, E. P. Stephan, FE–BE coupling for a transmission problem involving microstructure, Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization 3 (2021), 315–331
- E. P. Stephan, T. Tran, Schwarz Methods and Multilevel Preconditioners for Boundary Element Methods, Springer, 589 pages.
- L. Banz, M. Ilyas, B.P. Lamichhane, W. McLean, E. P. Stephan, A mixed finite element method for the Poisson problem using biorthogonal system with Raviart-Thomas elements, Num. Method Part. Diff. Eq. 37 (2021), 2429–2445.
- H. Gimperlein, M. Maischak, E. P. Stephan, FE–BE coupling for a transmission problem involving microstructure, Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization 3 (2021), 315-331
- E. P. Stephan, T. Tran, Schwarz Methods and Multilevel Preconditioners for Boundary Element Methods, Springer, 589 pages.
- L. Banz, M. Ilyas, B.P. Lamichhane, W. McLean, E. P. Stephan, A mixed finite element method for the Poisson problem using biorthogonal system with Raviart-Thomas elements, Num. Method Part. Diff. Eq. 37 (2021), 2429-2445.
- D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri, E. P. Stephan, The saturation assumption yields optimal convergence of two-level adaptive BEM, Applied Numerical Mathematics 152 (2020), 105-124
- H. Gimperlein, C. Özdemir, D. Stark, E. P. Stephan, A residual a posteriori error estimate for the time-domain boundary element method, Numerische Mathematik 146 (2020), 239-280.
- H. Gimperlein, C. Özdemir, D. Stark, E. P. Stephan, hp-version time domain boundary elements for the wave equation on quasiuniform meshes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 356 (2019), 145-174.
- Banz, Lothar; Lamichhane, Bishnu P.; Stephan, Ernst P. Higher order mixed FEM for the obstacle problem of the p-Laplace equation using biorthogonal systems. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 19 (2019), 169-188.
- Banz, Lothar; Lamichhane, Bishnu P.; Stephan, Ernst P. Higher order FEM for the obstacle problem of the p-Laplacian—a variational inequality approach. Comput. Math. Appl. 76 (2018) 1639–1660.
- Stephan, Ernst P.; Teltscher, Matthias T. Collocation with trigonometric polynomials for integral equations to the mixed boundary value problem. Numer. Math. 140 (2018) 153–190.
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Meyer, Fabian; Özdemir, Ceyhun; Stark, David; Stephan, Ernst P. Boundary elements with mesh refinements for the wave equation. Numer. Math. 139 (2018) 867–912.
- Gwinner, Joachim; Stephan, Ernst Peter Advanced boundary element methods. Treatment of boundary value, transmission and contact problems. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 52. Springer, Cham, 2018. xviii+652 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-92000-9;
- Hartmann, Thomas; Stephan, Ernst P. A discrete collocation method for a hypersingular integral equation on curves with corners. Contemporary computational mathematics—a celebration of the 80th birthday of Ian Sloan. Vol. 1, 2, 545–566, Springer, Cham
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Meyer, Fabian; Özdemir, Ceyhun; Stephan, Ernst P. Time domain boundary elements for dynamic contact problems. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 333 (2018), 147–175
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Özdemir, Ceyhun; Stephan, Ernst P. Time domain boundary element methods for the Neumann problem: error estimates and acoustic problems. J. Comput. Math. 36 (2018) 70–89.
- Ammari, Habib; Bao, Gang; Gatica, Gabriel N.; Nigam, Nilima; Steinbach, Olaf; Stephan, Ernst-Peter; Xu, Liwei; Zhu, Jialin Preface [The 2nd Chongqing Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics]. Held at Chongqing University, Chongqing, August 16–19, 2015. J. Comput. Math. 36 (2018), no. 1, i–iv. 65-06
- Feischl, Michael;Führer, Thomas;Praetorius, Dirk; Stephan, Ernst P. Optimal preconditioning for the symmetric and nonsymmetric coupling of adaptive finite elements and boundary elements. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 33 (2017), no. 3, 603–632.
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Maischak, Matthias; Stephan, Ernst P. Adaptive time domain boundary element methods with engineering applications. J. Integral Equations Appl. 29 (2017), no. 1,75–105.
- Feischl, Michael; Führer, Thomas; Praetorius, Dirk; Stephan, Ernst P. Optimal additive Schwarz preconditioning for hypersingular integral equations on locally refined triangulations.Calcolo 54 (2017), no. 1, 367–399.
- Gimperlein, Heiko; Nezhi, Zouhair; Stephan, Ernst P. A priori error estimates for a time-dependent boundary element method for the acoustic wave equation in a half-space. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40 (2017), no. 2, 448–462.
- Banz, Lothar; Gimperlein, Heiko; Issaoui, Abderrahman; Stephan, Ernst P.Stabilized mixed hp-BEM for frictional contact problems in linear elasticity. Numer. Math. 135 (2017),no. 1, 217–263.
- Banz, Lothar; Lamichhane, Bishnu P.; Stephan, Ernst P. A new three-field formulation of the biharmonic problem and its finite element discretization. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 33 (2017), no. 1, 199–217.
- Banz, Lothar; Gimperlein, Heiko; Nezhi, Zouhair; Stephan, Ernst P. Time domain BEM for sound radiation of tires. Comput. Mech. 58 (2016), no. 1, 45–57.
- Andres, Michael; Maischak, Matthias; Stephan, Ernst P. Dual-dual formulation for a contact problem with friction. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 16 (2016), no. 1, 1–16.
- Banz, Lothar; Stephan, Ernst P. Comparison of mixed hp-BEM (stabilized and non-stabilized) for frictional contact problems. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 295 (2016), 92–102.
- Banz, Lothar; Stephan, Ernst P. On hp-adaptive BEM for frictional contact problems in linear elasticity. Comput. Math. Appl. 69 (2015), no. 7, 559–581.
- M. Feischl, T. Führer, G. Mitscha-Eibl, D. Praetorius, E.P. Stephan: Convergence of adaptive BEM and adaptive FEM-BEM coupling for estimators without h-weighting factor. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 14 (2014), no. 4 485–508
- T. von Petersdorff, E.P. Stephan: Decomposition in regular and singular parts (in domains with corners) and stability under perturbation of the geometry. Appl. Anal. 93 (2014), no. 10 2158–2173
- A. Costea, H. Gimperlein, E.P. Stephan: A Nash-Hörmander iteration and boundary elements for the Molodensky problem. Numer. Math. 127 (2014), no. 1 1–34
- L. Banz, E.P. Stephan: A posteriori error estimates for hp- adaptive IPDG-FEM for elliptic obstacle problems, Applied Numerical Mathematics Volume 76 (2014) 76-92
- L. Banz, E.P. Stephan: hp-adaptive IPDG/TDG-FEM for parabolic obstacle problems. Comput. Math. Appl. 67 (2014), no. 4 712–731
- M. Maischak, A. Krebs, E.P. Stephan: Quasi-optimal degree distribution for a quadratic programming problem arising from the p-version finite element method for a one-dimensional obstacle problem. Discrete Appl. Math. 164 (2014), part 1, 200–209
- L. Banz, A. Costea, H. Gimperlein, E.P. Stephan: Numerical simulationsfor the non-linear Molodensky problem, Stud. Geophys. Geod. 58 (2014) 489-504
- H. Gimperlein, Z. Nezhi, E.P. Stephan, A priori error estimates for a time-dependent boundary element method for the acoustic wave equation in a half-space Math.Meth.Appl.Sci (2014) DOI:10.1002/mma.3340
- F. Leydecker, M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan, and M. Teltscher: A P-Hierarchical Error Estimator for a FEM-BEM Coupling of an Eddy Current Problem in R^3, J. KSIAM Vol. 17, No.3 (2013) 139-170
- B. Denkena, E.P. Stephan et al.: Numerical Computation Methods for Modeling Phenomenon of Tool Extraction, in Process Machine Interactions (ed. B. Denkena, F. Hollmann), Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Springer 2013, 285-308
- M. Andres, E.P. Stephan et al.: Adaptive Finite Elements and Mathematical Optimization Methods,in Process Machine Interactions (ed. B. Denkena, F. Hollmann), Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Springer 2013, 53-77
- L. Banz, E.P. Stephan: hp-adaptive IPDG/TDG FEM for parabolic obstacle problems, Computers a. Mathematics with Appl. (2013),
- A.Costea, H. Gimperlein, and E.P. Stephan: A Nash-Hörmander iteration and boundary elements for the Molodensky problem, Numerische Mathematik (2013), 34 pages, DOI 10.1007/s00211-013-0579-8
- L. Banz, A. Costea, H. Gimperlein, and E.P. Stephan: Numerical simulations of the nonlinear Molodensky problem, (proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 in Vienna) submitted to Studia geophysica et geodaetica (2013), 13 pages
- H. Gimperlein, M. Maischak, and E.P. Stephan: FE-BE Coupling for a Transmission Problem Involving Microstructure, submitted to SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2013), 16 pages
- H. Gimperlein, E.P. Stephan: Adaptive FE-BE Coupling for Strongly Nonlinear Transmission Problems with Friction II, submitted to SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2013), 20 pages
- E.P. Stephan et al.: High precision modeling towards the 10-20 level, ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 93 (2013) 492-498
- R. Bürger, O Steinbach, and E.P. Stephan: Editorial Special Issue: PDE's: Theory, application simulations, ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 93 (2013)
- C. Dominguez Garcia,E.P. Stephan, and M. Maischak: A FE-BE coupling for a fluid-structure interaction problem: hierarchical a posteriori error estimates. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 28 (2012), 1417-1439
- B.P. Lamichhane, E.P. Stephan: A symmetric mixed finite element method for nearly incompressible elasticity based on biorthogonal systems. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 28 (2012), 1336-1353
- M. Gläfke, M. Maischak, and E.P Stephan: Coupling of FEM and BEM for a transmission problem with nonlinear interface conditions. Hierarchical and residual error indicators. Appl. Numer. Math. 62 (2012), 736-753
- M. Maischak, S. Oestmann, E.P. Stephan: A least-squares fem-bem coupling method for linear elasticity. Appl. Numer. Math. 62 (2012) 457-472
- M. Andres, M. Maischak, and E.P. Stephan: Dual-dual formulation for a contact problem with friction. Numer. Math. (submitted)
- L. Nesemann, E.P. Stephan: Numerical solution of an adhesion problem with FEM and BEM. Appl. Numer. Math 62 (2012) 606-619
- C. Dominquez Garcia, E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak: A FE/BE coupling for an acoustic fluid-structure interaction problem. Residual a posteriori error estimates. Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 89 (2012) 299-322
- B. Lamichhane, E.P. Stephan: A symmetric mixed finite element method for nearly incompressible elasticity based on biorthogonal systems. Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equations, 28 (2012) 1336-1353
- F. Leydecker, E.P. Stephan: Additive Schwarz methods for the hp-version of the boundary element method in R^3. in: Fast BEM in Engeneering and Industrial Applications (editors: U. Langer, O. Steinbach) Lecture notes Applied and Computational Mechanics 63, Springer (2012)
- F. Leydecker, M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan, and M. Teltscher: A p-hierarchical error estimator for a FE-BE coupling formulation applied to electromagnetic scattering problems in R^3. Appl. Anal. 91 (2012) 277-293
- G.N. Gatica, M. Maischak, and E.P. Stephan: Numerical Analysis of a Transmission Problem with Signorini Contact using mixed-FEM and BE, ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 45 (2011) 779-802
- H. Gimperlein, M. Maischak, E. Schrohe, and E.P. Stephan: Adaptive FE-BE coupling for strongly nonlinear transmission problems with Coulomb friction. Numer. Math. 117 (2011) 307-332
- M. Andres, H. Blum, C. Brandt, C. Carstensen, P. Maass , J. Niebsch, A., Rademacher, R. Ramlau, A. Schröder, E.P. Stephan, and S. Wiedemann: Adaptive finite elements and mathematical optimization methods. Springer Book: Process Machine Interactions (to be published)
- Q.T Le Gia, E.P. Stephan, and T. Tran: Solution to the Neumann problem exterior to a prolate spheroid by radial basis functions, Adv. Comput. Math. 34 (2011) 83-103
- E.P. Stephan, W.L. Wendland, G.C. Hsiao on his 75th birthday Math Methods Appl. Sci. 33 (2010) 2143-2144
- A. Costea, Q.T. Le Gia, E.P. Stephan, and T. Tran: Meshless BEM and overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for exterior problems on spheroids, Studia Geophysica et Geodetica, vol. 55, iss. 3
- M. Maischak, A. Krebs, and E.P. Stephan: A quadratic programming problem arising from the p-version for obstacle problems, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36 923-930
- E.P. Stephan, A. Costea, Q.T. Le Gia, and T. Tran: Meshless boundary element methods for exterior problems on spheroids, Advances in Boundary Element Techniques XI, conference proceedings, International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques 455-462
- B. Denkena, D. Heinisch, M. Krüger, E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak, and M. Andres: investigations on Dynamic Tool, Structure and Process Interaction, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Process Machine Interactions (PMI)
- E.P. Stephan, S. Geyn, and M. Maischak: Coupling of Boundary Elements and Finite Elements in Incremental Forming. Final report of the DFG priority program SPP 1146, Modelling of incremental forming processes, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 69-74
- F. Leydecker, M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan, M. Teltscher: Adaptive FE-BE coupling for an electromagnetic problem in R3-a residual error estimator, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 33 (2010) 162-2186
- A. Krebs, M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: Adaptive FEM BEM coupling with a Schur complement error indicator, Appl. Numer. Math. 60 (2010) 798-808
- R. Prato Torres, E.P. Stephan, F. Leydecker: A FE/BE coupling for the 3D time-dependent eddy current problem. Part II: a posteriori error estimates and adaptive computations,, Computing 88 (2010) 155-172
- R. Prato Torres, E.P. Stephan, F. Leydecker: A FE/BE coupling for the 3D time-dependent eddy current problem. Part I: a priori error estimates,, Computing 88 (2010) 31-154
- T. Tran, Q. T. Le Gia, I. H. Sloan, E. P. Stephan: Preconditioners for pseudodifferential equations on the sphere with radial basis functions, Numer. Math. 115 (2010) 141-163
- T. Tran, Q. T. Le Gia, I. H. Sloan, E. P. Stephan: Boundary integral equations on the sphere with radial basis functions: error analysis, Appl. Numer. Math. 59 (2009)2857-2871
- M. Maischak, E. Ostermann, E. P. Stephan: TD-BEM forSound Radiation in three Dimensions and the Numerical Evaluation of Retarded Potentials, NAG/DAGA 2009 - Rotterdam (2009) 633-636
- E. P. Stephan: The hp-Version of BEM - Fast Convergence, Adaptivity and Efficient Preconditioning, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 27 (2009) 348-359
- S.A. Funken, E.P. Stephan: Fast solvers with block-diagonal preconditioners for linear FEM-BEM coupling, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 16 (2009) 365-395
- E. P. Stephan, T. Tran, A. Costea: A boundary integralequation on the sphere for high-precision geodesy. Computer Methods in Mechanics - Lecture Notes on the CMM 2009, edited by Kuczma, Wilmanski, (2009)
- E.P. Stephan: Efficient Coupling of Finite Elements and Boundary Elements - Adaptive Procedures and Preconditioning, ANZIAM J. 50 (2008) C774-C799
- E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak, T. Tran: Domian Decomposition Algorithms for am Indefinite Hypersingular Integral Equation in Three Dimensions, in: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. and Eng. 60 (2008) 647-655
- E. P. Stephan, M. Maischak, E. Ostermann: Transient Boundary Element Method and Numerical Evaluation of Retarded Potentials, Computational Science -- ICCS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computational Science, 5102 (2008) 321-330
- F.-D. Speck, E.P. Stephan: Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in an octant, Integral Eqn. Oper. Theory, 62 (2008) 269-300
- H. Holm, M. Maischak, E. P. Stephan: Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 31 (2008) 2069-2093
- A. Chernov, M. Maischak, E. P. Stephan: hp-mortar boundary element method for two-body contact problems with friction, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 31 (2008) 2029-2054
- M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: The hp-version of the boundary element method for the Lame equation in 3D, in:Boundary Element Analysis,eds.M.Schanz,O.Steinbach,Lecture Notes in Appl. and Comp. Mech. 29 (2007) 97-112
- A. Chernov, E.P. Stephan: Adaptive BEM for Contact Problems with Friction, Proceedings of the IUTAM (2007) 113-122
- A. Chernov, M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: A priori error estimates for hp penalty BEM for contact problems in elasticity, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 196 (2007) 3871-3880
- G. N. Gatica, L.F. Gatica, E. P. Stephan: A dual-mixed finite element method for nonlinear incompressible elasticity with mixed boundary conditions, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 196 (2007)3348-3369
- N. Heuer, F. Leydecker, E. P. Stephan: An iterative substructuring method for the hp-version of the BEM on quasi-uniform triangular meshes, Num. Methods for PDEs 23 (2007)879-903
- Krebs, Andreas; Stephan, Ernst P.: p-version finite element method for nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities in 2D. Numer. Math. 105 (2007) 457-480
- M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: Adaptive hp-versions of boundary element methods for elastic contact problems Comput. Mech. 39 (2007) 597-607
- E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak, F. Leydecker: An hp-adaptive finite element/boundary element coupling method for electromagnetic problems, Comput. Mech. 39 (2007) 673-680
- M. Greiff, M. Maischak, U.B. Bala, W. Mathis, E.P. Stephan: Numerical computation of electric fields including singularities in Mirco Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Przeglad elektrotechniczny, 83(11):47-19, (2007). 14th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Szczecin, Poland, 20-23, (2007)
- A. Chernov, S. Geyn, M. Maischak, E. P. Stephan: Finite element/boundary element coupling for two-body elastoplastic contact problems with friction, in: Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems, eds. P. Wriggers, U. Nackenhorst, Lecture Notes in Appl. and Comp. Mech. 27 (2006) 171-178
- E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak, F. Leydecker: Some Schwarz methods for integral equations on surfaces- h and p versions,Comput. Vis. Sci. 8 (2005) 211-216.
- R. Araya, A. H. Poza, E.P. Stephan: A hierarchical a posteriori error estimate for an advection-diffusion-reaction problem, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 15 (2005) 1119-1139
- M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: Adaptive hp-versions of BEM for Signorini problems, Appl. Numer. Math. 54 (2005) 425-449
- R. Bustinza, G. Gatica, M. Gonzalez, S. Meddahi and E.P. Stephan: Enriched finite element subspaces for dual-dual mixed formulations in fluid mechanics and elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194 (2005) 427-439
- E.P. Stephan, M. Maischak: A posteriori error estimates for FEM-BEM couplings of three-dimensional electromagnetic problems Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 194 (2005) 441-452
- M. Maischak, E.P. Stephan: A FEM-BEM coupling method for a nonlinear transmission problem modelling Coulomb Friction Contact, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 194 (2005) 453-466