Parabolic Problems. The Herbert Amann Festschrift.
Edited by J. Escher, P. Guidotti, M. Hieber, P. Mucha, J. Prüß, Y. Shibata, G. Simonett, Ch. Walker, W. Zajaczkowski.
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications,
Vol. 80, Springer, 2011. - Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. Hannover, September 2013
Edited by J. Escher, E. Schrohe, J. Seiler, Ch. Walker.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer 2015.
Publications and Preprints
The pdf files are preprint versions. They may differ from the final published version of an article
(with Lina Schmitz and Bogdan Matioc)
On the Principle of Linearized Stability for Quasilinear Evolution Equations in Time-Weighted Spaces
Submitted (2024). -
(with Bogdan Matioc and Luigi Roberti)
Quasilinear Parabolic Equations with Superlinear Nonlinearities in Critical Spaces
J. Differential Equations 429 (2025), 283–317. -
(with Lina Schmitz)
Recovering Initial States in Semilinear Parabolic Problems from Time-Averages
J. Differential Equations 429 (2025), 503-528. -
(with Patrick Guidotti and Philippe Laurençot)
Analytic Semigroups in Weighted L1-Spaces on the Half-Line Generated by Singular or Degenerate Operators
Submitted (2024). -
(with Bogdan Matioc)
Global Solutions for Semilinear Parabolic Evolution Problems with Hölder Continuous Nonlinearities
Bull. London Math. Soc., to appear (preprint 2024). -
On a Quasilinear Parabolic-Hyperbolic System Arising in MEMS Modeling
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 203 (2024), 2769–2783. -
(with Bogdan Matioc)
Well-Posedness of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations in Time-Weighted Spaces
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, to appear (preprint 2023). -
Stability and Instability of Equilibria in Age-Structured Diffusive Populations
J. Dynam. Differential Equations, to appear (preprint 2023). -
(with Bogdan Matioc)
The Nonlocal Mean Curvature Flow of Periodic Graphs
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), to appear (preprint 2022) -
A Note on the Compactness of the Resolvent of the Age-Diffusion Operator
Afr. Mat. 35 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 41. -
(with Philippe Laurençot)
A Nonlocal Gray-Scott Model: Well-Posedness and Diffusive Limit
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S. 16 (2023), 3709-3732. -
Properties of the Semigroup in L1 Associated with Age-Structured Diffusive Populations
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 72 (2023), no. 5, 1821-1848. -
Well-Posedness and Stability Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Infection Age and Spatial Diffusion
J. Math. Biol. 87 (2023), no. 3, Paper No. 52, 46 pp. -
A Remark on a Nonlocal-in-Time Heat Equation
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 361 (2023), 825–831 -
(with Mats Ehrnström, Katerina Nik)
A Direct Construction of a Full Family of Whitham Solitary Waves
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), no. 3, 1247–1261. -
(with Philippe Laurençot)
Stationary States to a Free Boundary Transmission Problem for an Electrostatically Actuated Plate
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 30 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 2. -
An Evolution System for a Class of Age-Structured Diffusive Population Equations
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 28 (2023), no. 4, 2519-2543. -
(with Josef Zehetbauer)
The Principle of Linearized Stability in Age-Structured Diffusive Populations
J. Differential Equations 341 (2022), 620-656. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Well-Posedness of the Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation with Size Diffusion
Differential Integral Equations 35 (2022), no. 3-4, 211-240. -
(with Philippe Laurençot, Katerina Nik)
Energy Minimizers for an Asymptotic MEMS Model with Heterogeneous Dielectric Properties
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 16. -
(with Philippe Laurençot)
The Fragmentation Equation with Size Diffusion: Well-Posedness and Long-Term Behavior
Europ. J. Appl. Math. 33 (2022), no. 6, 1083–1116. -
(with Philippe Laurençot)
H²-Regularity for a Two-Dimensional Transmission Problem with Geometric Constraint
Math. Z. 302 (2022), no. 3, 1879–1904. - Strong Solutions to a Nonlocal-in-Time Heat Equation
Quart. Appl. Math. 79 (2021), 265-272. -
(with Philippe Laurençot)
The Fragmentation Equation with Size Diffusion: Small and Large Size Behavior of Stationary Solutions
Kinet. Relat. Models 14 (2021), 961–980. - (with Philippe Laurençot, Katerina Nik)
Convergence of Energy Minimizers of a MEMS Model in the Reinforced Limit
Acta Appl. Math. 173 (2021), Paper No. 9, 23 pp. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Variational Solutions to an Evolution Model for MEMS with Heterogeneous Dielectric Properties
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S. 14 (2021), 677–694. - (with Philippe Laurençot, Katerina Nik)
Reinforced Limit of a MEMS Model with Heterogeneous Dielectric Properties
Appl. Math. Optim. 84 (2021), 1373–1393. - (with Bogdan Matioc)
On the Principle of Linearized Stability in Interpolation Spaces for Quasilinear Evolution Equations
Monatsh. Math. 191 (2020), 615-634. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Shape Derivative of the Dirichlet Energy for a Transmission Problem
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 237 (2020), 447-496. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Stationary Solutions to a Nonlocal Fourth-Order Elliptic Obstacle Problem
J. Elliptic Parabol. Equ. 6 (2020), 171-186. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Touchdown is the Only Finite Time Singularity in a Three-Dimensional MEMS Model
Ann. Math. Blaise Pascal 27 (2020), 65-81. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Erratum to: A Variational Approach to a Stationary Free Boundary Problem Modeling MEMSESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 25 (2019), Art. 54, 3 pp. - (with Joachim Escher, Bogdan Matioc)
The Domain of Parabolicity for the Muskat Problem
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 67 (2018), 679-737. - Some Results Based on Maximal Regularity Regarding Population Models with Age and Spatial Structure
J. Elliptic Parabol. Equ. 4 (2018), 69-105. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Heterogeneous Dielectric Properties in MEMS Models
SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78 (2018), 504-530. - (with Patrick Guidotti)
On a Model for a Sliding Droplet: Well-posedness and Stability of Translating Circular Solutions
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50 (2018), 1656-1678. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Finite Time Singularity in a MEMS Model Revisited
Z. Anal. Anwend. 37 (2018), 209-219. -
(with Elena Leis)
Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to a Prion Equation with Polymer Joining
Analysis (Berlin) 37 (2017), 101-116. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Constrained Model for MEMS with Varying Dielectric Properties
J. Elliptic Parabol. Equ. 3 (2017), 15-51. - (with Elena Leis)
Existence of Global Classical and Weak Solutions to a Prion Equation with Polymer Joining
J. Evol. Eqn. 17 (2017), 1227-1258. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Some Singular Equations Modeling MEMS
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (2017), 437-479. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Vanishing Aspect Ratio Limit for a Fourth-Order MEMS Model
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 196 (2017), 1537-1556. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
On a Three-Dimensional Free Boundary Problem Modeling Electrostatic MEMS
Interfaces Free Bound. 18 (2016), 393-411. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Variational Approach to a Stationary Free Boundary Problem Modeling MEMS
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 22 (2016), 417-438. - (with Simon Gvelesiani and Frieder Lippoth)
On Global Solutions for Quasilinear One-Dimensional Parabolic Problems with Dynamical Boundary Conditions
J. Differential Equations 259 (2015), 7060-7085. - (with Joachim Escher, Philippe Laurençot)
Dynamics of a Free Boundary Problem with Curvature Modeling Electrostatic MEMS
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 5693-5719. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
The Time Singular Limit for a Fourth-Order Damped Wave Equation for MEMS
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pp.233-246, Springer 2015. - (with Joachim Escher, Matthieu Hillairet, Philippe Laurençot)
Traveling Waves for a Thin Film with Gravity and Insoluble Surfactant
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 14 (2015), 1991-2012. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Sign-Preserving Property for Some Fourth-Order Elliptic Operators in One Dimension and Radial Symmetry
J. Anal. Math. 127 (2015), 69-89. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Free Boundary Problem Modeling Electrostatic MEMS: II. Nonlinear Bending Effects
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 24 (2014), 2549-2568. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Free Boundary Problem Modeling Electrostatic MEMS: I. Linear Bending Effects
Math. Ann. 360 (2014), 307–349. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Fourth-Order Model for MEMS with Clamped Boundary Conditions
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 109 (2014), 1435-1464. - (with Joachim Escher and Philippe Laurençot)
Some Recent Results on a Free Boundary Problem for Microelectromechanical Systems.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14 (2014), 761 – 762. - (with Joachim Escher, Philippe Laurençot)
A Parabolic Free Boundary Problem Modeling Electrostatic MEMS
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 211 (2014), 389-417. - (with Joachim Escher, Philippe Laurençot)
Finite Time Singularity in a Free Boundary Problem Modeling MEMS
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 351 (2013) 807–812. - Global Continua of Positive Solutions for Some Quasilinear Parabolic Equations with a Nonlocal Initial Condition
J. Dynam. Differential Equations 25 (2013), 159-172. - Some Remarks on the Asymptotic Behavior of the Semigroup Associated with Age-Structured Diffusive Populations
Monatsh. Math. 170 (2013), 481-501. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
A Stationary Free Boundary Problem Modeling Electrostatic MEMS
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 207, issue 1 (2013), 139-158. - (with Joachim Escher, Patrick Guidotti)
Two-Phase Flow in Rotating Hele-Shaw Cells with Coriolis Effects
Interfaces Free Bound. 15 (2013), 237-261. - A Note on a Nonlocal Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Model
Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), 1772-1777. - (with Joachim Escher, Matthieu Hillairet, Philippe Laurençot)
Weak Solutions to a Thin Film Model with Capillarity and Insoluble Surfactant
Nonlinearity 25 (2012), 2423-2441. - Positive Solutions of Some Parabolic System with Cross-Diffusion and Nonlocal Initial Conditions
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 19 (2012), 195-218. - (with Joachim Escher, Matthieu Hillairet, Philippe Laurençot)
Thin Film Equations with Soluble Surfactant and Gravity: Modeling and Stability of Steady States
Math. Nachr. 285 (2012), 210 - 222. - (with Joachim Escher, Matthieu Hillairet, Philippe Laurençot)
Global Weak Solutions for a Degenerate Parabolic System Modeling the Spreading of Insoluble Surfactant
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 60, no. 6 (2011). - On Positive Solutions of Some System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Nonlocal Initial Conditions
J. Reine Angew. Math. 660 (2011), 149-179. - On Nonlocal Parabolic Steady-State Equations of Cooperative or Competing Systems
Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12, no. 6 (2011), 3552–3571. - Bifurcation of Positive Equilibria in Nonlinear Structured Population Models with Varying Mortality Rates
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 190 (2011), 1-19. - Coexistence Steady States in a Predator-Prey Model
Arch. Math. (Basel) 95 (2010), 87-95. - Global Bifurcation of Positive Equilibria in Nonlinear Population Models
J. Differential Equations 248 (2010), 1756-1776. - Age-Dependent Equations with Non-Linear Diffusion
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A 26, no. 2 (2010), 691-712. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Proteus Mirabilis Swarm-Colony Development with Drift
J. Math. Pures Appl. 92 (2009), 476-498. - Positive Equilibrium Solutions for Age and Spatially Structured Population Models
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 41 (2009), 1366-1387. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
An Age and Spatially Structured Population Model for Proteus Mirabilis Swarm-Colony Development
Math. Mod. Nat. Phen. 7, no. 3 (2008), 49-77. - Global Existence for an Age and Spatially Structured Haptotaxis Model with Nonlinear Age-Boundary Conditions
Europ. J. Appl. Math. 19 (2008), 113-147. - A Haptotaxis Model with Age and Spatial Structure and Nonlinear Age-Boundary Conditions
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7 (2007). - Prion Proliferation with Unbounded Polymerization Rates
Proceedings of the Sixth Mississippi State - UBA Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations,
Starkville, Mississippi, USA
Electr. J. Diff. Eq., Conf. 15, 2007. - Global Well-Posedness of a Haptotaxis Model Including Age and Spatial Structure
Diff. Int. Eq. 20, No. 9 (2007), 1053-1074. - (with Glenn F. Webb)
Global Existence of Classical Solutions for a Haptotaxis Model
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 38, No. 5 (2007), 1694-1713. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Well-Posedness for a Model of Prion Proliferation Dynamics
J. Evol. Eqn. 7, No. 2. (2007), 241-264. - (with Gieri Simonett)
On the Solvability of a Mathematical Model for Prion Proliferation
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006), 580-603. - A Remark on Continuous Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations with Unbounded Diffusion Coefficients
In: M. Chipot & J. Escher (eds.), "Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Herbeprt Amann",
Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 64 Birkhäuser, Basel (2005), 517-528. - (with Herbert Amann)
Local and Global Strong Solutions to Continuous Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations with Diffusion
J. Differential Equations 218 (2005), 159-186. - (with Philippe Laurençot)
Steady States for a Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation with Volume Scattering
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 37, No. 2 (2005), 531-548. - On a New Model for Continuous Coalescence and Breakage Processes with Diffusion
Adv. Diff. Equ. 10, No. 2 (2005), 121-152. - The Discrete Diffusive Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations with Scattering
Nonlinear Anal. TMA 58, No. 1-2 (2004), 121-142. - Asymptotic Behaviour of Liquid-Liquid Dispersions
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 134, iss.4 (2004), 753-773. - Coalescence and Breakage Processes
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 25 (2002), 729-748.
- On Diffusive and Non-Diffusive Coalescence and Breakage Processes
Dissertation, Universität Zürich (2003)