Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme
Etablierung von Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme zusammen mit Professor Gerhard Starke und Professor Zhiqiang Cai.
- Active Set Kernel Method for First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
ECCM 2010, Paris, France, 16.--21. Mai 2010 - First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
Mafelap 2009, Brunel University, 9.--12. Jun. 2009 - 1st-Order System LS Methods For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
ICIAM 2007, Zurich, 16.--20. Jul. 2007
Finite Elemente
Entwicklung eines effizienten FE-Multilevelverfahrens mit dem nichtkonformen finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther für kompressible und inkompressible planare Elastizitätsprobleme.
- Robuste Mehrgitter-Vorkonditionierung für lineare Elastizität mit dem Finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
Promotionsvortrag, Universität Hannover, 26. Juni 2006 - The use of the MTW element in a MGM for linear Elasticity.
GAMM 2006, Berlin, 27.--31. Mar. 2006 - A Multilevel Method for the nonconforming element of Mardal, Tai und Winther applied to linear elasticity.
EMG, Den Haag (Scheveningen), 27.--30. Sep. 2005 - Iterative methods for the nonconforming spaces of Mardal, Tai and Winther.
Dresden, 21.-- 26. März 2004 - Iterative Verfahren für die nichtkonformen Räume von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
Möhnesee, 1./2. Oktober 2003
- Frank S. Attia, Zhiqiang Cai, and Gerhard Starke: First-order system least squares for the Signorini contact problem in linear elasticity, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47, 2009, pp. 3027--3043.
- Frank S. Attia and Gerhard Starke: On Discrete Korn's Inequality for some Nonconforming Finite Element Approaches to Linear Elasticity, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 5 (2005), 823-824.
- Frank S. Attia: Robust Multigrid for planar Elasticity with the nonconforming Elements of Mardal, Tai & Winther, Thesis, 26.06.2006
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Beuchler, S, Hiniborch, R & Morgenstern, P 2024, 'Deal.t: an implementation of multivariate analysis suitable T-splines within the deal.ii framework', Engineering with computers.
Beuchler, S, Demircan, A, Endtmayer, B, Morgner, U & Wick, T 2024, 'Mathematical modeling and numerical multigoal-oriented a posteriori error control and adaptivity for a stationary, nonlinear, coupled flow temperature model with temperature dependent density', Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Jg. 175, S. 138-151.,
Beuchler, S, Endtmayer, B, Lankeit, J & Wick, T 2024, 'Multigoal-oriented a posteriori error control for heated material processing using a generalized Boussinesq model', Comptes Rendus - Mecanique, Jg. 351, S. 1-23.
Beuchler, S, Haubold, T & Pillwein, V 2024, 'Recursion Formulas for Integrated Products of Jacobi Polynomials', Constructive approximation, Jg. 59, Nr. 3, S. 583-618.,
Cieślak, T, Fuest, M, Hajduk, K & Sierzęga, M 2024, 'On the existence of global solutions for the 3D chemorepulsion system', Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, Jg. 43, Nr. 1/2, S. 49-65.,
Dai, Y, Hou, B, Lee, S & Wick, T 2024, 'A Thermal–Hydraulic–Mechanical–Chemical Coupling Model for Acid Fracture Propagation Based on a Phase-Field Method', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Jg. 57, Nr. 7, S. 4583-4605.
Endtmayer, B, Langer, U, Richter, T, Schafelner, A & Wick, T 2024, A posteriori single- and multi-goal error control and adaptivity for partial differential equations. in Error Control, Adaptive Discretizations, and Applications, Part 2. Advances in Applied Mechanics, Bd. 59, Academic Press Inc., S. 19-108.,
Endtmayer, B, Langer, U & Schafelner, A 2024, 'Goal-oriented adaptive space-time finite element methods for regularized parabolic p-Laplace problems', Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Jg. 167, S. 286-297.,
Escher, J, Matioc, AV & Matioc, BV 2024, 'The Mullins–Sekerka problem via the method of potentials', Mathematische Nachrichten, Jg. 297, Nr. 5, S. 1960-1977.,
Fischer, H, Roth, J, Chamoin, L, Fau, A, Wheeler, MF & Wick, T 2024, 'Adaptive space-time model order reduction with dual-weighted residual (MORe DWR) error control for poroelasticity', Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Jg. 11, Nr. 1, 9.,
Fischer, H, Roth, J, Wick, T, Chamoin, L & Fau, A 2024, 'MORe DWR: Space-time goal-oriented error control for incremental POD-based ROM for time-averaged goal functionals', Journal of computational physics, Jg. 504, 112863.
Frei, S, Knoke, T, Steinbach, MC, Wenske, A-K & Wick, T 2024 'Modeling and numerical simulation of fully Eulerian fluid-structure interaction using cut finite elements'.
Fuest, M & Heydari, S 2024, 'A cross-diffusion system modeling rivaling gangs: Global existence of bounded solutions and FCT stabilization for numerical simulation', Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Jg. 34, Nr. 9, S. 1-41.,
Fuest, M & Lankeit, J 2024, 'Classical and generalized solutions of an alarm-taxis model', Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Jg. 31, Nr. 6, 101.
Gao, W, Neuweiler, I & Wick, T 2024, 'A comparison study of spatial and temporal schemes for flow and transport problems in fractured media with large parameter contrasts on small length scales', Computational geosciences, Jg. 28, Nr. 5, S. 883–905.
Gebhardt, CG, Lange, S & Steinbach, MC 2024, 'Formulating and heuristic solving of contact problems in hybrid data-driven computational mechanics', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Jg. 134, 108031.,