Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme
Etablierung von Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme zusammen mit Professor Gerhard Starke und Professor Zhiqiang Cai.
- Active Set Kernel Method for First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
ECCM 2010, Paris, France, 16.--21. Mai 2010 - First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
Mafelap 2009, Brunel University, 9.--12. Jun. 2009 - 1st-Order System LS Methods For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
ICIAM 2007, Zurich, 16.--20. Jul. 2007
Finite Elemente
Entwicklung eines effizienten FE-Multilevelverfahrens mit dem nichtkonformen finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther für kompressible und inkompressible planare Elastizitätsprobleme.
- Robuste Mehrgitter-Vorkonditionierung für lineare Elastizität mit dem Finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
Promotionsvortrag, Universität Hannover, 26. Juni 2006 - The use of the MTW element in a MGM for linear Elasticity.
GAMM 2006, Berlin, 27.--31. Mar. 2006 - A Multilevel Method for the nonconforming element of Mardal, Tai und Winther applied to linear elasticity.
EMG, Den Haag (Scheveningen), 27.--30. Sep. 2005 - Iterative methods for the nonconforming spaces of Mardal, Tai and Winther.
Dresden, 21.-- 26. März 2004 - Iterative Verfahren für die nichtkonformen Räume von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
Möhnesee, 1./2. Oktober 2003
- Frank S. Attia, Zhiqiang Cai, and Gerhard Starke: First-order system least squares for the Signorini contact problem in linear elasticity, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47, 2009, pp. 3027--3043.
- Frank S. Attia and Gerhard Starke: On Discrete Korn's Inequality for some Nonconforming Finite Element Approaches to Linear Elasticity, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 5 (2005), 823-824.
- Frank S. Attia: Robust Multigrid for planar Elasticity with the nonconforming Elements of Mardal, Tai & Winther, Thesis, 26.06.2006
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Frei, S, Knoke, T, Steinbach, MC, Wenske, A-K & Wick, T 2024 'Modeling and numerical simulation of fully Eulerian fluid-structure interaction using cut finite elements'.
Fuest, M & Heydari, S 2024, 'A cross-diffusion system modeling rivaling gangs: Global existence of bounded solutions and FCT stabilization for numerical simulation', Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Jg. 34, Nr. 9, S. 1-41.,
Fuest, M & Lankeit, J 2024, 'Classical and generalized solutions of an alarm-taxis model', Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Jg. 31, Nr. 6, 101.
Gao, W, Neuweiler, I & Wick, T 2024, 'A comparison study of spatial and temporal schemes for flow and transport problems in fractured media with large parameter contrasts on small length scales', Computational geosciences, Jg. 28, Nr. 5, S. 883–905.
Gebhardt, CG, Lange, S & Steinbach, MC 2024, 'Formulating and heuristic solving of contact problems in hybrid data-driven computational mechanics', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Jg. 134, 108031.,
Günther, C, Orzan, A & Popovici, N 2024, 'A new concept of semistrict quasiconvexity for vector functions', OPTIMIZATION.
Günther, C, Orzan, A & Precup, R 2024, 'Componentwise Dinkelbach algorithm for nonlinear fractional optimization problems', OPTIMIZATION, Jg. 73, Nr. 11, S. 3323-3337.
Günther, C, Khazayel, B & Tammer, C 2024, 'Duality Assertions in Vector Optimization w.r.t. Relatively Solid Convex Cones in Real Linear Spaces', Minimax Theory and its Applications, Jg. 9, Nr. 8, S. 225-252. <>
Günther, C, Khazayel, B & Tammer, C 2024, 'Nonlinear Cone Separation Theorems in Real Topological Linear Spaces', SIAM journal on optimization, Jg. 34, Nr. 1, S. 225 - 250.,
Günther, C, Tammer, C & Khazayel, B 2024, 'Nonlinear strict cone separation theorems in real normed spaces', Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, Jg. 8, Nr. 4, S. 601-623.,
Hartmann, T & Stephan, EP 2024, 'Local error estimates and post processing for the Galerkin BEM on polygons', Applicable analysis.
Haubold, T, Beuchler, S & Schöberl, J 2024, 'High Order Biorthogonal Functions in H (curl)', SIAM journal on numerical analysis, Jg. 62, Nr. 5, S. 2331-2348.,
Heydari, S, Knobloch, P & Wick, T 2024, 'Flux-corrected transport stabilization of an evolutionary cross-diffusion cancer invasion model', Journal of computational physics, Jg. 499, 112711.,
Ishida, S, Lankeit, J & Viglialoro, G 2024, 'A Keller-Segel type taxis model with ecological interpretation and boundedness due to gradient nonlinearities', Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, Jg. 29, Nr. 9, S. 3955-3969.
Jessen, E, Steinbach, MC, Debbaut, C & Schillinger, D 2024, 'Branching Exponents of Synthetic Vascular Trees under Different Optimality Principles', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Jg. 71, Nr. 4, S. 1345-1354.
Jodlbauer, D, Langer, U, Wick, T & Zulehner, W 2024, 'Matrix-Free Monolithic Multigrid Methods for Stokes and Generalized Stokes Problems', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Jg. 46, Nr. 3, S. A1599-A1627.,
Junker, P & Wick, T 2024, 'Space-time variational material modeling: a new paradigm demonstrated for thermo-mechanically coupled wave propagation, visco-elasticity, elasto-plasticity with hardening, and gradient-enhanced damage', Computational mechanics, Jg. 73, Nr. 2, S. 365-402.
Knoke, T, Kinnewig, S, Beuchler, S & Wick, T 2024, Neural Network Interface Condition Approximation in a Domain Decomposition Method Applied to Maxwell’s Equations. in Z Dostal, T Kozubek, A Klawonn, LF Pavarino, OB Widlund, U Langer & J Sístek (Hrsg.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Bd. 149, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, S. 271-278, 27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, DD 2022, Prague, Tschechische Republik, 25 Juli 2022.
Kohatsu, S & Lankeit, J 2024, 'Large densities in a competitive two-species chemotaxis system in the non-symmetric case', Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Jg. 23, Nr. 9, S. 1296-1324.,
Kolditz, LM, Dray, S, Kosin, V, Fau, A, Hild, F & Wick, T 2024, 'Employing Williams’ series for the identification of fracture mechanics parameters from phase-field simulations', Engineering fracture mechanics, Jg. 307, 110298.