Forschung & Publikationen


Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme

Etablierung von Least-Squares-Methoden für elastische Kontaktprobleme zusammen mit Professor Gerhard Starke und Professor Zhiqiang Cai.


  • Active Set Kernel Method for First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
    ECCM 2010, Paris, France, 16.--21. Mai 2010
  • First-Order System Least Squares For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
    Mafelap 2009, Brunel University, 9.--12. Jun. 2009
  • 1st-Order System LS Methods For The Signorini Contact Problem In Linear Elasticity.
    ICIAM 2007, Zurich, 16.--20. Jul. 2007

Finite Elemente

Entwicklung eines effizienten FE-Multilevelverfahrens mit dem nichtkonformen finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther für kompressible und inkompressible planare Elastizitätsprobleme.


  • Robuste Mehrgitter-Vorkonditionierung für lineare Elastizität mit dem Finiten Element von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
    Promotionsvortrag, Universität Hannover, 26. Juni 2006
  • The use of the MTW element in a MGM for linear Elasticity.
    GAMM 2006, Berlin, 27.--31. Mar. 2006
  • A Multilevel Method for the nonconforming element of Mardal, Tai und Winther applied to linear elasticity.
    EMG, Den Haag (Scheveningen), 27.--30. Sep. 2005
  • Iterative methods for the nonconforming spaces of Mardal, Tai and Winther.
    Dresden, 21.-- 26. März 2004
  • Iterative Verfahren für die nichtkonformen Räume von Mardal, Tai und Winther.
    Möhnesee, 1./2. Oktober 2003



  • Frank S. Attia, Zhiqiang Cai, and Gerhard Starke: First-order system least squares for the Signorini contact problem in linear elasticity, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47, 2009, pp. 3027--3043.
  • Frank S. Attia and Gerhard Starke: On Discrete Korn's Inequality for some Nonconforming Finite Element Approaches to Linear Elasticity, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 5 (2005), 823-824.


  • Frank S. Attia: Robust Multigrid for planar Elasticity with the nonconforming Elements of Mardal, Tai & Winther, Thesis, 26.06.2006

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Endtmayer, B, Langer, U, Richter, T, Schafelner, A & Wick, T 2024, A posteriori single- and multi-goal error control and adaptivity for partial differential equations. in Error Control, Adaptive Discretizations, and Applications, Part 2. Advances in Applied Mechanics, Bd. 59, Academic Press Inc., S. 19-108.,
Endtmayer, B, Langer, U & Schafelner, A 2024, 'Goal-oriented adaptive space-time finite element methods for regularized parabolic p-Laplace problems', Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Jg. 167, S. 286-297.,
Escher, J, Matioc, AV & Matioc, BV 2024, 'The Mullins–Sekerka problem via the method of potentials', Mathematische Nachrichten, Jg. 297, Nr. 5, S. 1960-1977.,
Fischer, H, Roth, J, Chamoin, L, Fau, A, Wheeler, MF & Wick, T 2024, 'Adaptive space-time model order reduction with dual-weighted residual (MORe DWR) error control for poroelasticity', Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Jg. 11, Nr. 1, 9.,
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